Using The Community-First Approach To Podcasting – Arielle Nissenblatt – Creating The Greatest Show – Episode #034

by | Feb 16, 2023 | Content, Creating The Greatest Show, Hosting a Podcast, Marketing, Podcast Community, Podcast Guest Experience, Podcasts, Social Media, Starting a Podcast

One of the best ways to create and grow your podcast is to use a community-first approach! There’s no one better to learn about podcasts and community from than today’s guest who listens to over 40 hours of podcasts every week! She has spoken at major podcasting events across the globe and is one of the founders of Podcast Taxonomy, an international effort to categorize roles and credits in the podcast industry. Arielle Nissenblatt is the Head of Community & Content at SquadCast and hosts Feedback with Earbuds and the new Trailer Park: The Podcast Trailer Podcast. Arielle dives into the best practices for creating calls-to-action for your podcast, how to engage with your podcast community, and why you need to build marketing into your podcast from the start!

Watch Arielle Nissenblatt on Creating The Greatest Show!


  • The most important thing when you are building a show is to build marketing into every aspect of your production. To grow your show beyond friends, family, and 10 listeners, you have to build marketing into every step of the content creation process.
  • Your show needs to stand out! With 3-4 million podcasts out there, it’s very likely that there is another show that’s extremely similar to yours that also has great audio quality and well-thought-out keywords. Ask yourself how you can make your show unique.
  • It’s easier to create a podcast for an audience that you already know exists rather than an audience you hope exists. When you have an existing, built-in audience you can actually ask them what they’re looking for from your show.
  • Whether you’re an independent podcaster or you host a podcast for a giant company, you’re likely going to struggle with getting audience feedback. This is partly because people do lots of things while listening to podcasts, such as driving or washing dishes.
  • The best practices for writing a podcast Call-To-Action are to make it important, make it clear why it matters and how to do it, and make it different. Don’t use the same CTA every time, mix it up and find creative ways to say it. If people expect it, they’ll skip it. 
  • Making Podcast Friends is important for growing your audience, whether you’ve launched your podcast or not. Make a list of 50-75 shows that are related to your topic or that you like to engage with and listen to them before asking for anything.
  • It’s not easy to convert scrollers to listeners, which means that social media is not the best way to promote your podcast and garner a larger audience. It’s easier to bring people over to your show by exchanging feed swaps, guest spots, and promo swaps.
Listen to Arielle Nissenblatt on Creating The Greatest Show!

Quote of The Show:

“The most important thing when you are building a show is to build marketing into every aspect of your production.”

Arielle Nissenblatt, Creating The Greatest Show, Episode #034

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