Defining Your Podcast’s Reason For Being – Christian Klepp – Creating The Greatest Show – Episode # 015

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Creating The Greatest Show, Podcast Guest Research, Podcasts

Today’s guest is a globe-trekking marketer and branding thought leader. Christian Klepp is the Co-Founder & Director of Client Engagement at EINBLICK Consulting Inc and the Host of B2B Marketers on a Mission. Christian broke down why it’s vital to know the purpose behind your podcast, how to politely and effectively move the conversation along, and how to thoroughly prepare for a podcast interview.


  • You need to know the reason for starting your podcast. What do you want your audience to get out of it? What do you want to get out of it? Figure out your strategy and where you want to go with your podcast before getting started. 
  • The name of your podcast should incorporate who you want to talk to on the show, who you want to listen to the show, and something that compliments both of those groups. For example, B2B Marketers On A Mission, uses this idea quite well.
  • If the conversation has veered into too much small talk, a good podcast host knows when to bring the conversation back to the main topic of discussion. The transition should be as smooth and natural as possible so as not to make it painfully obvious. 
  • One way to help with filler words is to imagine your are talking with a young child, which means you should simplify concepts and avoid using gargantuan words. This allows you to reduce the amount of comments you need to say after your guest gives an answer. 
  • One of the best ways to make guests comfortable and let their guard down is to do a great job researching them before the interview. A great resource for guest research is the guest’s own LinkedIn profile along with any webinars or podcasts they have done. 
  • Podcast hosts should give in to their curiosity and dig into the answers their guests share. If their reply is interesting, don’t limit yourself to the scripted questions, ask about that interesting nugget. This this where great conversations come from. 
  • If you disagree with your guest, it’s important to have a healthy, open discussion about the topic. You shouldn’t try to argue with everything they say because that will make their guard go up. If there is a very passionate disagreement, move on to a different topic.

READ MORE: The Framework For Defining Your Podcast’s Purpose

Listen to Christian Klepp on Creating The Greatest Show, Episode #015

Quote of The Show:

“Everyone and their mom can put together a podcast, but very few people can put together a decent podcast”

Christian Klepp, Creating The Greatest Show, Episode #015


Christian Klepp’s tips on getting your podcast guests back on track.

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